Werkstatt der Jungen Filmszene
The German Federation of Film Clubs for Children and Young People is organizing a yearly festival called Workshop of the Young Film Scene. It is a three day film festival for aspiring directors and film makers. The festival offers screenings, workshops and insights into different aspects of film making. For the 49th edition was tasked with the re-branding of the event identity in collaboration with Larissa Ditzel.
We began with researching the event's and the youth film festival market. What found was one thing: A lot of photographs of film rolls. The symbol is obvious, but when you think about it, none of these young people probably ever shot on film. We liked that.
The final concept referenced modernist film posters but included one irritating detail. If you look closely, the first frame is actually a SD-Card.
In the next step I designed all communication materials. This included a 40-page programme, flyers and a folding-poster, which served as a programme for a special screening, too.